Frequently asked questions

What are the best quilt sizes?
There are no ‘best’ quilt sizes, we’re very grateful for donations of all shapes and sizes.

There may be a specific demand for certain quilt and blanket sizes in your area, so please contact your Area Co-ordinator to see what sizes she prefers to receive but as a general rule suitable sizes are:

  • Children’s Quilts: approx 36” – 42” square or 36” x 42”
  • Teenagers Quilts: approx 42” square or 42” x 48”
  • Knitted Blankets: approx 24 inches square or larger for older children and
  • Some Co-ordinators will also accept tiny blankets and quilts for premature
    babies – please contact your local co-ordinator to check what can be received.

Please note that quilts should have no embellishments such as ribbons, buttons or beads because of possible choking, or little fingers being damaged. Fabric and wadding should be machine washable and be able to be tumble dried. Both cotton and polycotton fabrics are suitable.

Do you accept unfinished quilt tops?
Yes. Contact your Area Co-ordinator who will be happy to accept unquilted tops. These are often quilted by local groups or our volunteers.

Can I donate fabric or other supplies?
Yes. Your Area Co-ordinator will very happily accept any donations of suitable patchwork fabric, fleece, wadding, and scraps. Project Linus UK’s policy is to always try and use donated fabrics to make quilts and blankets for ‘children in need of a hug’. Fabric, blocks and other items that are donated to Area Co-ordinators and are not suitable to use in quilts, as well as donated ‘stash’ fabric which has been given to us specifically to sell, helps us to raise funds to purchase bright colourful children’s fabric and wadding for volunteers to use. Orphan blocks are still sent to one of our Area Co-ordinators whose group makes them in to quilts for delivery to a Children’s Hospital.

Can I request a quilt/blanket?
Quilts and blankets are distributed by our Area Co-ordinators to local hospitals, children’s hospices, women’s refuges, foster carers, special schools, bereavement services and many other places where support is given to children ‘in need of a hug’. However, we do donate to individual children so please contact your nearest Area Co-ordinator with the details of the recipient and why they would benefit from a quilt (along with any specific requirements). Most Area Co-ordinators will then be able to get a quilt to you, although this may take time depending on the requirements and whether they have a suitable quilt in stock.