A huge thank you
Elspeth Russell sent in this letter from a grateful Mum:
“I would just like to say a HUGE thank you … to Project Linus UK and everyone involved in getting these blankets to sick kids in hospital. My daughter spent some time in Wishaw General Hospital after suffering with a condition called Masenteric Adentitis. She received this blanket from the nursing staff and has loved it since she took ownership of it. It brightened up her bed on the ward and she loves to wrap it around her as she tries to get better at home. Although she is still in a lot of pain, she is happy to be home. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to make this blanky. The workmanship put into this is remarkable and a blanky my 9-year-old will no doubt treasure for a lifetime.”
A Royal thank you
You may remember that Prince Charles paid a visit to Angela Hartle’s group at Pauline’s Patchwork. At the time, volunteers were making a rabbit quilt that he commented on as being appropriate to give to a grandchild – this was about 10 days prior to announcement. They were very good and kept quiet but made him a duplicate quilt (not using Linus funds or fabric). Angela sent it off and received a letter in reply from Clarence House which read:
“Dear Mrs Hartle,
I am writing on behalf of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales to thank you for your letter of 2nd February enclosing the beautiful patchwork quilt made by Project Linus volunteers. It was extremely kind of you to send this to His Royal Highness and it is obvious a great deal of work has gone into making it. His Royal Highness was delighted to receive this gift and has asked me to send you and volunteers at Project Linus his warmest thanks and very good wishes.”
Women’s Aid Refuge, Sheffield
Jo from the Women’s Aid Refuge in Sheffield came to visit Sew4Others in Dronfield, Derbyshire, and collected 22 quilts to take back to the Haven House Centre. She also collected quite a number of drawstring bags which are used as ‘welcome bags’ for the children and ladies who come to the refuge. These are filled with toys, toiletries, pens etc and together with the gift of a quilt say “welcome” in a very practical way. The children get very excited opening their welcome bags and the quilts stay with them even when they have left the refuge. It was heartening to hear where our quilts were going and Jo’s talk has spurred us on to make even more quilts.
Update from North Yorkshire
Beryl Homes recently received the lovely note below:
“One of my colleagues, Heather, recently passed on a quilt made in the Northallerton area for our daughter Rosa. Rosa is an eleven year old who has Rett syndrome, diabetes and epilepsy. She really feels the cold in winter so the quilt has been great for covering her up in her wheelchair. Can I express our great thanks for this kind gesture; the quilt has been really useful. Helen and Jerry”
Cushions for Manchester Children’s Hospital
Manchester Children’s Hospital recently asked if we could make some cushions, as the older children had asked for them. We’re always up for a challenge, and these were much appreciated.
Westhope College Linus Day
Last October Heather Russell had a Project Linus stand at Shropshire Quilters Exhibition where she met Bronja Gardener, the new Principal at Westhope College. As a result, a Linus Day was held at the college in February. Many of the volunteers were patchworkers but others were novices. It was wonderful to see four young teenagers who had never before made a quilt, getting stuck in and having a go with some guidance from their mothers and Heather. 19 quilts were completed on the day and everyone said how much they had enjoyed the time. The next day is already booked in for May!
Do you have any stories or photographs for the next edition of the newsletter? Please do send these in to share with other volunteers.
Happy Quilting.